It was just like a movie
It was just like a song…….

As Adele says, this is the feeling of  creating an amazing costume like this and get to the end of the process to discover that She is elected The Queen of Tenerife Carnival 2016, the best, the only one:

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6 students from Galway Technical Institute, Ireland and 3 students from Liljaskolan, Sweden, and one student from Galway Institute of Tecnology. ERASMUS + helped them into this experience: Christine, Aoife, Eleine, Emma, Katie, Johana, Stina, Annie, Lisa and Darren.

This is what Katie says returning home:

“On route back to Galway in the rain and I’ve never been happier to see it after a month, but I’ve never been so sad to say goodbye to all the wonderful people who made us so welcome and made our experience both in work and at the amazing event that is Carnival de Tenerife in Santa Cruz so so worth while!
Thank you so much to Daniel Pages for making us apart of his team and being a fantastic lovely person, thank you to his team who made such effort to talk to us by battling the language barrier and making work so enjoyable we love ye. Thank you to everyone that helped us on our Erasmus journey. And thank you to the wonderful people I was surrounded by who made me feel so at ease and made this an experience I’ll never forget! I love you all as cliche as that is! Hope to see you again! Sorry to all my phone wouldn’t tag something had to break in order for the trip to be so fantastic”.

To me, Reading Katie is enough to be proud of helping them to be ther and keep on goin on in the future.

Thanks to all of you for being there and thanks to the designers Santi Castro and Daniel Pagés for taking them all into their teams and make them feel like home.

G r a c i a s ¡¡¡¡


Mariví Gracia


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